Sunday, November 14, 2010

Too Big to Fail? Let Them Fail

This strange notion that financial institutions or corporations cannot be allowed to fail deserves close scrutiny, especially since we are the ones paying for it. The reason these institutions were failing is that they are dysfunctional, as is our entire current economic system. Throwing money at them does not address the dysfunctions, it preserves them. It's classic throwing good money after bad. We should not be spending a penny to preserve and prolong this economic system, which not only impoverishes the vast majority but makes it impossible to address issues such as global warming. If a bank fails, that need not cause human suffering if the government takes it over and reorganizes it to serve its customers and taxpayers. We live in the era of the death of the market. Markets are dying precisely because they are not free but are instead manipulated by the superwealthy for their own benefit despite the fact that this manipulation is completely destructive. Only by  abandoning old shibboleths such as the free market rules, big government is necessarily bad, taxation discourages entrepreneurs can we move forward. The market is not free. The problem with government is not its size but who controls it and in whose interest it operates. Taxes on the very rich will not stifle growth but will allow a government that represents its citizens to finance green technology, education, renewal of infrastructure, single payer health care, and many other things we desperately need. Some will say that this sounds like socialism. So what? Capitalism increasingly sounds like death and destruction for the human species.


  1. How have we lost our way so badly? Why can't people see these simple truths (and, though I sense you may not agree) these are the same truths in all of the World's religions. Where are the descendents of the union movements, the New Deal, even the Great Society (minus the War in Vietnam)?

  2. I don't see any truths in any religions. At best, they put a layer of superstition and mysticism over truth. At worst, they distort reality until it is unrecognizable. But perhaps the Occupy Wall Street movement is the beginning of finding our way again.
