In our increasingly global economy, finance capitalists are the ruling class. Like all ruling classes, they will do everything in their power to stay in power, no matter how destructive that is for everone else. They are so destructive that they are capable of bringing down capitalism itself. Unfortunately, they probably won't do that in time to prevent global warming, peak petroleum, and an array of other looming threats that humanity faces.
If there were any doubt which class Barack Obama answers to, consider only 3 names: Summers, Geitner, and Bernanke. These are the leading representatives of finance capital of our time. When they were appointed and confirmed, the message was crystal clear. Finance capital calls the shots, just as it always has. These men played key roles in causing economic catastrophe and in making sure that finance capital did not pay the price. In fact, they rewarded exactly those who caused the current crisis.
So, there is no shift in policy by the Obama administration. There are stylistic differences, small concessions, but no major changes in economic, foreign, or military policies. Finance capital is still firmly in charge, and the US Supreme Court delivered them even more power.
This is certainly a pessimistic view but one based on reality. It seems ironic that our species could perish because we lack the political skills to implement real solutions to the many problems that face us. As Mark Graham's song describes intelligent cockroaches of the distant future reflecting on humanity, "Their Brains Were Small, and They Died."
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