Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Obama May Lose to Romney

The tremendous loss in Wisconsin, in which Governor Scott Walker was not recalled by a larger percentage of voters than originally elected him demonstrates how weak the Democratic Party has become and gives insight into why Obama may lose to Romney this year. Nobody is sure what Romney stands for, not least conservative Republicans who will vote for him as their only way to unseat Obama. The problem is that Obama stands for even less. His shameful absence from Wisconsin shows that he has no principles that he cares about and will fight for. Obama's love of appeasement and his subservience to finance capital rule out a campaign in which he could effectively challenge Romney on the economic issues. Obama's adventurist foreign policy is indefensible, though Romney will attack it as not being adventurist enough, and Obama will play into that by bragging about his worst sins. I think it will become increasingly apparent that Obama is unable and unwilling to do or say what he would need to in order to win the election. I do not say this or make this prediction with any satisfaction. I say it because it appears to me that this scenario is likely to occur.

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