Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thoughts on bin Laden

I posted this to Facebook but figured it belongs here, too.

I've been thinking about what I really think about the killing of bin Laden and the media, government, and public reaction. It boils down to this. It was a tawdry and dishonorable episode in which a group of state terrorists killed a terrorist without a state. My feeling is: a plague on both their houses but let's be honest. The state terrorists kill far more innocents than do the others whom they inspire.

So, the bottom line is this: I feel no sadness that bin Laden is dead, but his death does not in any way address the root problems of US wars for oil and domination, of Israeli apartheid and its brutal aggression and occupation, and a whole litany of injustices based on monumental greed and stupidity. Injustice breeds resistance, whether it is nonviolent in Egypt or Tunisia or misguided terrorism like bin Laden. Let the focus remain on the roots and not only on a single twig.

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