Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Cancer of Zionism

I had a discussion recently with a friend which made clear to me that most people still don't understand the essential nature of the state of Israel. I commented that the only workable solution was a democratic one as in South Africa. My friend thought that would mean the death of the Jews living in Israel. I think that is far-fetched, no more likely than that the black Africans of South Africa would slaughter the whites of European descent there, which, of course, they did not. More importantly, it perpetuates the myth that Israel exists to protect Jews from something. To understand this conflict, you need to take that myth and put it through the mirror. Israel exists to expel Palestinians from Palestine. That is its fundamental organizing principle since 1947 and still today. Palestinians can have no security as long as a state exists which is designed to remove them from their homes. In that sense, the State of Israel is like a cancer. If you let a cancer grow, it takes over the body and kills it. If the State of Israel continues to exist, it will metastasize throughout the West Bank until Palestinian life there is even more untenable than it is now. Israeli leaders have been clear about that since 1947. The only thing stopping or slowing them is limited resources and international opposition. When a cancer is growing in your body you either have it cut out or you kill it with radiation. Let us hope that nobody tries radiation treatment. The racist, expansionist strategy of ethnic cleansing which is inherent in the present State of Israel must be cut out of it for any just peace to be possible. If the State of Israel were to become the democratic state of its citizens, it would not matter if there were one or two states in Palestine. So long as it is a state determined by political Zionism, it will be a major obstacle to peace.

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